We're always here to help 24 hours a day. Call us at (808) 524-7273, contact us through email, or use our web chat.
Healing Begins with Hope
We are The Sex Abuse Treatment Center of Hawai'i
The Sex Abuse Treatment Center (SATC) of Kapi'olani Medical Center for Women & Children is a statewide program that provides comprehensive services for survivors of sexual assault. If you, a friend, or a family member has experienced a sexual assault, we can help.
Educating Future Generations
As a health teacher for 10 years at Mililani High, I have learned that development of curriculum, access to resources, and community collaboration are key elements in promoting a positive engaging learning experience as well as providing at-risk students with the support structures they need to live healthy lives.
Read Carina's Story
Give it. Get it. Live it.
Living with [ respect ]™ means listening to others, showing consideration, and engaging in healthy, [respect]ful relationships. A culture of [ respect ]™ can prevent sexual violence.
Start the conversation.
Talk with your teen or pre-teen about staying safe & developing respectful relationships.
Get Involved
Living with [ respect ]™ means listening to others, showing consideration, and engaging in healthy, [respect]ful relationships. A culture of [ respect ]™ can prevent sexual violence.
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